Catégorie : Draft
Ford: Eventually, you solved his maze, Dolores. The key was a simple update that he made to you called the reveries WW S01E10 The bicameral mind
Bernard: You got out?Dolores: Yes. WW-S03E01 Cibo is a virtual machine who wants to reach the netsphere
Killy is strong and stealthy.
Indignités et petites lâchetés
Au moment de l’affaire Mila, plusieurs responsables politiques ou religieux ont fait preuve d’une indignité et d’une légèreté criminelles.
Sauvegarder la maison commune
Laudato si’, deuxième encyclique du Pape François.
Infinitely Many Hats (3/3)
This is the last in a series of three exercices de style to show some interesting aspects of the game of hats: a puzzle which was initially proposed by Lionel Levine. First exercice Second exercice Here we look at case where each player has a tower of countably infinitely many hats on their head and […]