Bobbins, rules

Arrow sudoku1 by Fun Learning

A glossary of sudoku terms

Antiknight sudoku — identical digits cannot be a chess knight’s move apart from each other.

Arrow sudoku — digits along the arrow in the grid must sum to the digit in its circle or to the number in its pill (a pair of digits forming a number, reading left to right or top to bottom).

Bifurcation — poor taste, to be avoided.

Bobbins — that feel when you thought it would be useful.

a brilliant Constructor — Phistomefel.

Disambiguation — fixing ambiguous pairs (say).

German whispers — adjacent digits along the line must differ by at least 5.

Killer sudoku — the sum of all digits in a cage (marked with dashed lines) must match the small number printed in its corner; no digit appears more than once in a cage.

Knowledge bomb — the digits 1 to 9 add up to 45.

Kropki dots — a white circle between adjacent cells indicate a difference of 1; a black circle between adjacent cells indicates a ratio 1:2.

« Let’s get cracking » — obviously.

Magic square — a 3×3 square where each row, column, diagonal adds up to 15.

Mondrian — well ahead of his time, created paintings out of sudoku cells and then colored them in.

« My goodness me » — what a devious mind.

« Now we are cooking with gas » — when at last there are enough clues to pick up pace.

Normal sudoku — each row, column, and 3×3 box contains each digit from 1 to 9 exactly once.

Sandwich sudoku — the numbers on the side of the grid indicate the sum of the cells sandwiched between the 1 and the 9 (the crusts of the sandwich) on the corresponding line.


  1. Place a digit from 1 to 9 into each of the empty cells so that each digit appears exactly once in each row, column and 3×3 outlined box. Additionally, the sum of the digits along the path of each arrow must equal the digit in the circled cell. Digits can repeat within an arrow shape.



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