Beautiful squares

Stay-in stay-safe by Fun Learning

Normal sudoku rules apply. Additionally, Kropki dots are placed in the grid. Kropki rules are applied only along the grey line (orthogonally or diagonally): adjacent cells containing digits whose difference is 1 are marked with a white circle; adjacent cells containing digits whose ratio is 2 are marked with Black circle; adjacent cells containing digits 1 and 2 may be marked with white or black circle. Adjacent cells with no marking must not contain digits whose difference is 1 or whose ratio is 2.

Black Square by Ricky Cruz

Normal sudoku rules apply. Additionally, each row and column of the large shaded square contains a 1 and a 9, and circled cells indicate the sum of the digits between the 1 and the 9 in the corresponding row or column of the square.

Kazimir Malevich, Black Square, 1913
Burning Okapi by Glass90

Normal sudoku and thermo rules apply. Additionally, digits must not repeat along the leading diagonal. Orange and red cells are flames. Orange flames must be 1,2 or 3 greater than the next flame (not any cell)  below in the same column. Red flames must be 4 or more greater. Year of painting (1937) appears horizontally exactly once.

Dali, La girafe en feu (détail), 1937
Build Your Own Thermo by No-Feet McGee

Normal sudoku rules apply. The big circles are thermometer bulbs and the small circles are thermometer tips. Thermometers must be built by the solver! ie each thermometer is an orthogonally-connected string of cells that cannot overlap with another thermometer. Along thermometers, digits must increase from the bulb end to the tip.

Andy Warhol by Bill Murphy

Normal sudoku rules apply. Digits must strictly increase along a thermometer, starting from the bulb.

Andy Warhol, kiss goodbye kiss, 1968
Thermo X Sudoku by Phistomefel

Normal sudoku rules apply. Additionally, the digits on a thermometer increase starting from the bulb end. Both main diagonals contain each digit from 1 to 9 exactly once.

Fillomino-ish Killer Sudoku by Sir Woezel

Normal Sudoku rules apply. Additionally, fifteen cages must be determined in the grid. The sum of each cage is given in the leftmost cage cell of the highest row in which the cage makes an appearance. Every cage must contain exactly one circle. The digit in the circle is equal to the size of the cage. Two different cages with the same size may not share a row or a column.

Dominos Vobiscum by Elgrandpaduro

Normal sudoku rules apply. Additionally, numbers within the grid show differences between the sums of the two coloured dominoes they separate. Blue cells form a magic square. The ‘greater than’ sign ‘points’ from a larger cell to a smaller one.

Thermo Sudoku by Thomas Snyder

Normal sudoku rules apply. Additionally, along thermometers, digits must increase from the bulb end.

Wave Sudoku by Madmahogany

Normal sudoku rules apply. Digits along the blue lines increase and decrease alternately.

Van Gogh, paysage marin près des Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer 1888
Banksy v2 by Lisztes

Normal Sudoku rules apply. Cages show their sums and contain no repeated digits. Identical digits cannot be a chess knight’s move apart from each other. Digits along the arrow in the grid must sum to the digit in its circle.

Banksy, There is always hope
Three-Sum by Swaroop Guggilam

Normal sudoku rules apply. Additionally, the sum of the digits along the path of each arrow must equal the digit in the circled cell.

Banksydoku by Olima

Normal sudoku rules apply. Digits increase along thermometers from the bulb. Cages show their sums and contain no repeated digits.

Banksy, Love Is In The Bin




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