Catégorie : Math

  • Jane’s infinite rosary

    Jane’s infinite rosary

    This mathematical treat was inspired by Jane Street‘s puzzle: Traversing the Infinite Sidewalk. I shared the puzzle with my mathematical friend Éric, and we had quite some fun discovering its properties. It is also a testimony to the richness derived from the irrationality of \(\log_2(3)\) and reminiscent of about the mathematics underlying the 12-tone Pythagorean […]

  • Jane’s infinite rosary

    Jane’s infinite rosary

    This mathematical treat was inspired by Jane Street‘s puzzle: Traversing the Infinite Sidewalk. I shared the puzzle with my mathematical friend Éric, and we had quite some fun discovering its properties. It is also a testimony to the richness derived from the irrationality of \(\log_2(3)\) and reminiscent of about the mathematics underlying the 12-tone Pythagorean […]

  • Steiner Triple Systems

    Steiner Triple Systems

    [WORK IN PROGRESS] A Steiner Triple System – STS for short – denoted by $\left(X, {\cal T}_X\right)$ is a finite set X together with a set ${\cal T}_X$ of unordered triplets of elements of X – called triples or blocks – with an additional requirement: every (unordered) pair of elements of X must appear in […]

  • La pensée en mouvement

    La pensée en mouvement

    Les Mathématiques et la pensée en mouvement : une belle conférence d’Alain Connes.

  • Robust super-resolution depth imaging

    Robust super-resolution depth imaging

    Robust super-resolution depth imaging via a multi-feature fusion deep network —

  • Many lifes

    Many lifes

    Conway’s Game of Life, emulated in Conway’s Game of Life. The Life pattern is the OTCA Metapixel. The life simulator used is Golly.

  • Infinitely Many Hats (3/3)

    Infinitely Many Hats (3/3)

    This is the last in a series of three exercices de style to show some interesting aspects of the game of hats: a puzzle which was initially proposed by Lionel Levine. First exercice Second exercice Here we look at case where each player has a tower of countably infinitely many hats on their head and […]

  • 0! = 1

    0! = 1

    La fonction factorielle est souvent définie comme le produit : $$n!=\prod_{k=1}^n k\text{,}$$ ou bien par récurrence : $$n!=n\cdot(n-1)!\text{,}$$ en prenant par convention : $0!=1$. Mais pourquoi cette convention ?

  • Classic 15 Puzzle

    Classic 15 Puzzle

    15-puzzle by Mark Rohlich Genesis The Fifteen Puzzle consists of fifteen numbered square tiles in a 4×4 square grid, with one position empty or blank. Any tile horizontally or vertically adjacent to the blank can be moved into the blank position. The task is to rearrange the tiles from some random initial configuration into a […]

  • Towers of hats (1/3)

    Towers of hats (1/3)

    This is the first in a series of three exercices de style to show some interesting aspects of the game of hats: a puzzle which was initially proposed by Lionel Levine, and arose from his work with Tobias Friedrich on